Looking for Vesta
Roger Curry Dec 5, 2005
Greetings to the group.
On Saturday, I was doing some astrovideo using my Stellacam EX with a
75 mm lens. I was interested to see if the Eskimo Nebula would be
visible so I videoed the field that contains it. I was recording
direct to DV using a new DV recorder that I bought new for $139. It
provides excellent resolution, at least equal to that of my camera.
When looking at the freeze frame and using Guide to compare the
recorded star images, I noticed that Vesta (4) should have been in the
frame and about mag 7, however there was no star-like image in the
place where Vega should have been according to Guide. I was certainly
imaging deep enough because I recorded virtually every star shown in
Guide down to about mag 10.5. 7th mag stars look bright in the field.
I downloaded and installed the Soft02bright file and the position of
Vesta did not appear to change at all.
Any suggestion for the cause of the discrepency? Unfortunately, the
place where Vesta should have been was toward the bottom of the field,
so if it were 30 arc-minutes lower in elevation I would not have
recorded it.
Thanks in advance.
Roger in Jacksonville, FL