Re: LX200 (etc) commands

discoverer98 Nov 20, 2005

Yes I too have a RCX 400 and am wondering if I can use guide to
control the scope but I believe the commands are different than for
the LX 200 scope using an older version of autostar. RCX uses autostar II.
Am hopeing Guide 9.0 will allow RCX400 control when it comes out.

--- In, Lawrence <lawrence@a...> wrote:
> I am wondering where I can find exactly what features Guide-8 can do to
> control the LX200 scope. I have a RCX400 of which many of the commands
> are similar, but I need to know exactly what is available. I have the
> manual but it is not up-to-date with recent features and I have not
> located anything on the web site.
> Pointers appreciated.
> Lawrence Harris