Re: [guide-user] "Suggestions and tips" for Guide users

Laville Bertrand Sep 28, 2005

Hi Bill, I All,

I think it would be also interesting to point at all the possibilities the toolbar brings to you.
You can compose your toolbar with nearly as many icons as you want, and customize it in order to have an icon for each feature you use regulary, no matter you are fond of astrometry, or deep sky, or anything else.
Moreover, the meaning of a sketch on an icon is much more straightforward than a letter or a number of an hotkey.
The level of facility you reach through that feature is, according to me, specific to Guide.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill J Gray
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 2:55 PM
Subject: [guide-user] "Suggestions and tips" for Guide users

Hi folks,

I just got an e-mail from a gent who is a member of an astronomy
club with about ten Guide users, plus some people who might be
interested in using it. He is thinking about putting together a
"suggestions and tips for Guide users" session for his club, and
asked if I had any to contribute.

It occurred to me that there are a few things that I, at least,
consider very useful that don't leap out at the average user... the
Things Every Guide User Ought to Know, but Probably Doesn't. So
I sent this reply. Any thoughts as to what should be added to this
list? I think I will put it together on a page on my Web site.

-- Bill

(1) It's a good idea to grab the latest update from the Web site
(2) The Guide user list,
(3) Save a Mark, and calling that mark "Personal Defaults".
(4) Just right-click on the object, and you'll get information about it,
plus a "Display" button. And that "Display" button will lead to controls over that class of object...
(5) You can control a lot of settings in Guide by clicking on items in the
Legend area.
I'll pass on anything else I or Guide user list folks come up with.

-- Bill

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