Re: [guide-user] star display question

Laren Dart Sep 9, 2005

Hi Bertrand,

Thanks for the response, but I think we got our signals crossed here! I
thought you were referring to the Common Names of stars, and you thought I
was referring to the Common Names of DSOs. This DSO .TDF has been
incorporated into Guide, and the Dwingeloos (for example) are listed at
Goto|Nebula|Common names|.

However, when I type Goto|Object|Dwingeloo 1 (or 2), Guide crashes with the
usual Guide6 MFC error dialog. I get these crashes often, and it seems
always to be in the Goto dB.

Bill, do Goto|Object name/ and Goto|Nebula|Object name/ access the same dB?
When I type in names I know do _not_ exist (doodlebug, sadsack, georgebush)
Guide crashes.


At 04:38 PM 9/9/2005 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Larry,
>The "Common Star Names.TDF" has been posted by Bill in Guide users list,
on 2003 08 18:
> " As noted by Albert van Duin and Owen Brazell, the common name
>lists have moved around a little. In the process, I added a lot of new
names, but left out some old ones (mostly those of non-NGC or IC objects).
I've put a few back in. Download
> and you should see the Dwingeloos and a few others (haven't
>gotten them all in there yet.)
>-- Bill"
>The .TDF begins like that:
>"; this is a "self-contained" TDF, with the data in the same file as
>; the TDF definition.
>file common2.tdf
>title Common Star Names
>~r 1 20 \n Created 4 Aug 2003 in response to an inquiry on the Guide user

Laren Dart