[guide-user] Re: Possible Bug in MPCORB read routine?

Owen Brazell Mar 20, 2000

I have tried this with a version of Guide dated 11/3/00 and an MPCORB
database from 27/02/00 and as far as I can see it all works fine. I get the
correct information for both 2000 AK173 if I click on it and for 2000 AS99
if I click on it. So I am not sure if it is a bug in Guide per-se. I would
say that I think it may be the UNIX version of the MPCORB database I
downloaded so no CR which may make a difference.

At 23:24 20/03/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Below is an example output of a possible bug I found when asking for
>information on a particular asteroid by clicking on its location on
>the starchart. When asking for information on asteroid 2000 AK173 I
>not only receive the information as given below from the actual
>output given by Guide but also additional information about a
>different asteroid, designated 2000 AS99. Is this due to Guide
>not reading the MPCORB file correctly? This seems to occur no
>matter what asteroid I ask for information on.
>2000 AK173 mag 19.1
>Period of orbit 4.29 years (1566.7 days)
>Perihelion distance 2.16 AU
>Aphelion distance 3.12 AU
>Orbital elements:
> Semimajor axis 2.6399445 AU
> Eccentricity 0.1800620
> Inclination of orbit 12.1365700 degrees
> Argument of perihelion 291.3282700 degrees
> Long. ascending node 129.5804000 degrees
> Mean anomaly 33.5489827 degrees
> Epoch of elements JD 2451600.5 (26 Feb 2000 0:00)
>Right ascension: 06h01m28.004s
>Declination: N20 13' 32.05"
>Mean position at current epoch:
>Right ascension: 06h01m28.783s
>Declination: N20 13' 32.02"
>Apparent position at current epoch:
>Right ascension: 06h01m27.735s
>Declination: N20 13' 26.90"
>Dist from home planet: 2.09887919 AU (313,987,857 km)
>Heliocentric position: lon 115.88620 lat -2.91445
>Heliocentric radius 2.31349 AU
>95.13% illuminated
>Elongation from Sun 89.38 degrees (evening sky)
>Speed of apparent motion: 48.031"/hour at position angle 74.9
>Assumed asteroid diameter 8.3 km
>Comments from the MPCORB database:
>Designation: 2000 AS99
>Absolute magnitude: 14.3
>Slope parameter: 0.15
>Orbital elements:
> Semimajor axis: 2.3330622
> Eccentricity: 0.1424361
> Inclination of orbit: 7.10791
> Argument of perihelion: 251.41049
> Long. ascending node: 98.06179
> Mean anomaly: 50.26570
> Mean daily motion: 0.27657606 degrees/day
> Epoch of elements: 8 Dec 1999
>25 observations made at 1 oppositions
>Orbital arc: 33 days
>RMS residual: 0.65
>Orbit computed by Williams
>Reference: MPC 38875
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