[guide-user] Re: New member

James Ellis Mar 17, 2000

Yes, I think that is a great idea for members to give a bit of b/ground on

So here goes

I have been interested in amateur astronomy since about 1984 at age 9 when
I saw a partial solar eclipse form Sydney. I saw halley in 86 and that
spurred me to get a telescope (50mm Plastic Fantastic by Tasco) which I
subsequently melted projecting the sun. My first DSO observation was trying
to find the Coal Sack with binoculars (a dark nebula)

Currently I have three telescope - A 10 yr old 250mm f/6 Dob, a 1974 Astro
Optical 150mm f/6.3 Newt and a C5 (both the latter go on my GPDX). I am
mainly interested in observing the planets, comets, eclipses and the
southern sky in Carina/Crux/Centaurus which are overhead where I live.

I am a trained architectural draftsman, (much like trained PEC - a bit up
and down) but cannot find work due to the Olympics. I am currently working
for York Optical in Sydney (www.yorkoptical.com.au for a site that is being
updated). Nice work for an amateur!!
I am looking to get into CCD work when I finish my motor drive system for
the GPDX - I have my eyes on a few Starlight cameras.

I am looking forward to seeing the eclipse in 2002 from S. Aust and also
the 5.5 minute eclipse over Sydney in 2028. I also want to see a solar
eclipse by Phobos from Mars but customs are very difficult there and they
won't give me a visa.

That's me finished who's next???


At 09:43 17-03-00 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi friends,
>as a new member of the egroup GUIDE-Forum I would like to introduce
>I am an amateur astronomer since 1975 and since that time my interest
>in astronomical topics changed from sky hopping, counting of sunspots
>to visual and photoelectric photometry (Optec SSP3-Photometer) of
>variable stars.
>But due to the very bad weather condition here in northern Germany and
>the lack of a permanent observing place my interest switched to desktop
>astronomy. Fortunately in our times we can use the Internet to
>participate in almost every topic of professional and amateur
>astronomy. Using the information pool of the Internet I am now mostly
>interested in Supernovae, Nucleosynthesis and Gamma-Ray-Bursts.
>My very small instruments consists of a Vixen Sensor mount, an 80 mm
>Refractor and a Celestron 5.
>I am an chemical engineer working in marine chemistry (trace elements
>in sea water).
>I am married and have two sons.
>Clear skies and a fast link to the Internet
>P.S. I hope, that all of you will follow me with an introduction of
>your person
>eGroups eLerts!
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