[guide-user] Re: Diffuse Nebula Icons

Oliver Kloes Mar 17, 2000

Hi Ned,
the info box shows OFF because you have turned OFF "Nebular" at
"Display ->Data shown", but the squares are still there. I think that's
happen because you have "Messier" and "NGC+IC" turned ON at "Display-> Data
shown". If any catalogue is turned ON, all types of objects of this
catalague will be shown and in your case you still see the squares of
"Diffuse Nebular" of M, NGC and IC.
Clear skies

At 5 deg and smaller, I am seeing icons for Diffuse Nebula (squares). There
is no entry under Display->Data Shown for Diffuse Nebula and clikcing on
Display in the info. box shows the OFF box is marked.

How to get rid of Diffuse Nebula icons?