Masaki Kouda asked about problems with the new DSS access feature that
was posted on 18 November. I made a mistake here, and posted the wrong
file! If you visit the Web site and download the current REALSKY.ZIP,
the problem will be fixed.
The 18 November update on the Web site was the first in over two
months, and I find that I neglected to mention four small improvements
that appeared in that update. These are now discussed at...
-- Bill Gray
------------- Clip from Web site begins -------------
Users looking _very_ closely at the new version of Guide would note
* Jupiter and Saturn, when shown in 'bitmapped' mode, are correctly
flattened now. (So are the other planets, but it is almost impossible
to tell the difference.)
* 'Colored stars' were originally colored using spectral type data
(M=red, G=yellow, A=white, O=blue, with gradations in between). But
spectral types are available for only about 300000 stars. In the current
version, stars are instead colored using B-V magnitude data. Thanks
to the Tycho catalog, this is available for about a million stars.
* When you ask for a list of USNO A1.0 or A2.0 stars in a given
area, an extra digit of precision is now given. This was done at the
request of a Guide user in Germany. In truth, given the errors in
Ax.0, this is at least one digit too many. A2.0 is more accurate than
most earlier datasets, but not _that_ much more accurate. But this
extra digit allows you to recreate the data as it appeared in the
original catalog.
* In the past, certain lists of events (lunar phases, Jovian
satellite events and GRS transits, etc.) were uniformly provided
in UT. Now, Guide pays attention to the time zone you have set.
------------- Clip from Web site ends -------------