Charon properly start help

S.E.Guryanov Apr 18, 2005

Dear friends! Greetings from Siberia!

Can anybody help me with Charon properly command line?
I have the almost whole G8 on harddrive installed (c:\guide8\). Works
perfectly and faster then from CD...

But all my attempts to use Charon are fail now:
It says "Couldn't find the object '...' " for a lot of combinations of a
command line...

I tried to use it with a "G" command such as:
charon c:\ccd\m15c.st6_-om15_G:c\guide8\
and it said:
"There should be exactly one AC2 line in the report file!"...

How can I work without additional catalogues (only with G8 CD1&2 datas on

P.S. One more question. Where Charon must be? Earlier I used it from
c:/guide8/charon/charon.exe (with dos4gw inside).
Or I need to put all its files in the root directory (c:/guide8/charon.exe)?