[guide-user] Mice, x-refs, etc.

Bill J. Gray Mar 13, 2000

Hi folks,

Chris, many thanks for the comments/warnings about NexStar. I should
have known things would not be so easy...

I must confess to surprise at this, for two reasons. First, the U2000
control language is about the simplest and most logical I've seen for a
scope. Second, it seemed logical for them to recycle existing, working
technology, rather than re-inventing a wheel they already owned. But
Celestron failed to ask my opinion... many people make that mistake.

Regarding DOSGUIDE: if the mouse isn't working, it usually means that
the DOS mouse driver hasn't been installed. And I wouldn't be the least bit
surprised if many "modern" mice are supplied with no DOS driver at all.

Those without mice should be able to move the "mouse cursor" in DOS Guide
using the arrow keys. The Insert and Delete keys correspond to left and
right mouse buttons. The motion steps are a bit large, but use of
Ctrl+cursor keys causes the motion to be smaller. Put it all together, and
a mouse is not absolutely essential in DOS Guide (a "hangover" from the time,
many years ago, when not everybody had a mouse.)

The above is the default behavior. You can hit Ctrl-F4 to toggle between
this behavior and one in which hitting cursor screens causes you to pan half
a screen (the way it does, all the time, in Windows Guide.)

Also: hitting '=' brings up the "Go to Planet" dialog in DOS Guide.
From this, you can hit '0' to go to the sun, '1' for Mercury, ... '9'
for Pluto. You can also hit '-' for the Moon.

WGUIDE.EXE was indeed the 'old' name for DOSGUIDE.EXE.

-- Bill