Hi Joe,
"...Someone else provided the same page you referred me to."
That confused me for a bit, because I referred to
which doesn't mention your camera! But prompted by your message,
I searched a bit more thoroughly and found
...which lists your camera, plus assorted others of interest.
15.39 mm may be wrong, but 10.5 is _definitely_ wrong. The main
chip is 24.7 mm high, the guiding chip 3.66 mm high. If the chips
were side by side, with no separation between their edges, then it
would be 14.18 mm from the center of one chip to the other. If SBIG's
data is to be believed, then the edges of the two chips are (15.39 - 14.18)
mm, or 1.21 mm, apart.
My guess would be that the 10.5 mm referred to by the Software Bisque
folks applies to some other dimension, but I dunno what that might be.
-- Bill