Re: [guide-user] STL11K Chip Archetecture

joe Feb 18, 2005

Thkx Bill;

Someone else provided the same page you referred me to. SBIG's web
page lists the TC-237 Offset spacing at 15.39mm measured from the center of
the KAI-11000M chip, vs.T_eS_ky6's 10.5mm. That's a difference of 4.89mm.
Using this 'correct' displacement value the Guide chip is now properly
outside the Imaging chip's boundry...joe :)

"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"

Joe Mize: jmize@...
StarFields Observatory
Chiefland, FL 29:24'33.4"N 82:51'37.7"W
Moon Phase:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill J Gray" <pluto@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] STL11K Chip Archetecture

> Hi Joe,
> I had problems with this camera. You may have noticed, near the
> bottom
> of the 'ccds.nam' file, a reference to a page on the SBIG site:
> This describes the placement of a heck of a lot of SBIG guider chips
> (I believe all that existed as of 13 August 2002), but doesn't say
> anything
> about more "modern" cameras. If you look at the 19 August 2003 comment in
> 'ccds.nam', you'll see that I guesstimated the guider chip placement for
> your camera.
> I've just e-mailed SBIG to ask that they update their ccdplacement.htm
> page. Given that, I ought to be able to repair 'ccds.nam', and you
> should
> be able to get T_eS_y to work correctly.
> -- Bill
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