Re: [guide-user] STL11K Chip Archetecture

Bill J Gray Feb 18, 2005

Hi Joe,

I had problems with this camera. You may have noticed, near the bottom
of the 'ccds.nam' file, a reference to a page on the SBIG site:

This describes the placement of a heck of a lot of SBIG guider chips
(I believe all that existed as of 13 August 2002), but doesn't say anything
about more "modern" cameras. If you look at the 19 August 2003 comment in
'ccds.nam', you'll see that I guesstimated the guider chip placement for
your camera.

I've just e-mailed SBIG to ask that they update their ccdplacement.htm
page. Given that, I ought to be able to repair 'ccds.nam', and you should
be able to get T_eS_y to work correctly.

-- Bill