STL11K Chip Archetecture

joe Feb 17, 2005


Excerpt from the CCD.nam file for the STL11K;

KAF-11000M 9 9 4008 2745 917 0,.6,.1313,.1477,657,495

I'm trying to build an accurate Field of View Indicator in TheSky6. I
understand the primary chip size and the 9nm pixel size parameters. What I
need to know is the Guiding chip "Offset" and "Dimentions" from the CCD.nam
line above.

TheSky can't hold a candel to Guide8 when it comes to data and ease of
display. Their only advantage that I can see is ASCOM...joe :)

"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"

Joe Mize: jmize@...
StarFields Observatory
Chiefland, FL 29:24'33.4"N 82:51'37.7"W
Moon Phase: