Re: Guide + ASCOM??

Lawrence Jan 5, 2005

Hi Steve

This is my only problem with Guide now. I use Guide for all planetarium work
eg., comet and asteroid locations, but it will not communicate via ASCOM so I
have to clumsily write RA and Dec from Guide (eg comet data) into Maxim to say
GOTO. I do have the option of configuring Carte du Ciel into my system
because it is ASCOM, but I am reluctant to start learning yet another piece of
software. That program would enable me to do everything that I wish to do.
Mmm... just maybe!


Lawrence Harris

> From: "Steve" <Astro-Geek@...>
>Subject: Guide + ASCOM??
> I know this topic has been brought up here before, but is there
>any plan to make Guide 8.0 compatible with ASCOM or ACL-based
>telescope control systems? In my opinion, Guide is far and away the
>BEST charting software program and I do not care for using The Sky to
>control my scope's GoTo system. Last time I saw a shooting star I
>wished for a version of Guide with ASCOM drivers.
> C'mon Bill, you can do it!!!!