PJ Anway Dec 12, 2004
--- In guide-user@yahoogroups.com, Arild Moland <arildmi@a...> wrote:
> Hi,
> > I am having trouble changing the color of constellation lines,
can't seem to
> > remember where to do that. Can someone help me?
> do the same as you would with any object you want to change the
display of;
> right-click the constellation line, click Display, and in that
dialogue you
> click on the field showing the constellation line width and color.
Then a color
> picker pops up. To change the style (eg. solid or dashed), you click the
> Styles...-button.
> Hope this helps.
> Arild :)
> ---------------------------------
> http://folk.uio.no/arildmi/Scopes/
> http://astralscooter.com/MyGallery/
> http://astralscooter.com/nasmail/
> http://www.astro.uio.no/nas/
> arildmi@a...