Re: [guide-user] Answers to basic questions from a new guy.

Truman Kohman Nov 16, 2004

--On Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:20 AM +0000 Pete Peterson
<pecorp@...> wrote:
> it sure would be nice to
> have the basic info (such as the name) of the asteroid centered in
> the chart. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Why would you want the asteroid's name centered in the chart? That's
probably where you want to see the asteroid and stars. What I do is go to
Display - Legend - Clear Caption - Add to Caption, type in a line of text,
and press OK. Additional lines can be added by Add to Caption, etc. When
done, press OK instead of Add to Caption, and all the added lines will be
displayed in the caption.
You can see how I use this feature by going to my Web page, (AAAP site) ==> S.I.G. (Special Interest Groups) ==>
Asteroids and Comets.

Truman P. Kohman, Departments of Chemistry and Physics
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
Phone: 412/279-6056 Fax(CMU): 412/681-0648 Internet:
tk11@... (best for correspondence, ASCII documents),
tpkohman@... (best for images, coded attachments, etc.)