Hi Larry,
"...the spacing between time and time zone is quite large in the
basic time layout. Where can I delete the extra spaces so it matches
the second time layout (which is fine)?"
Unfortunately, you can't. The time zone is at a fixed location.
I've had assorted thoughts as to how to fix this, but no straightforward
ones... and it's not been enough of a priority to justify ripping a lot
of code apart and rewriting it.
"...I saved a mark, mis-spelled "California" and left the second
"i" out. I saved the same setup with the correct spelling, but can't
delete or rename the first mark for some reason."
I wasn't able to duplicate this exactly, but I just saved marks
named "Californa" and "California" in succession and managed to get
some rather bizarre behavior, such as two "initial position" marks
appearing in the dialog. I have a fix in mind for this.
In the meantime, I've got a workaround. Just download this file
to your Guide directory:
http://www.projectpluto.com/marks.nam (about 159 bytes)
Then run Guide. This will "force" Guide to rebuild its list of
mark files, and it'll get it right this time.
-- Bill