Re: [guide-user] Using Alternative Delta-T Forumulas

Laren Dart Oct 29 3:43 PM


The first of the the three terms after the colon is simply the y-intercept
of the curve, except that there _is_ no curve in the third formula.

As written, the third formula states that from 10000BC to 10000AD Delta T
does not change, it is a constant 63.829s: DELTA T = 63.829s +0.0s*T
+0.0s*T*T When I entered this in guide.dat just now, then added Delta-T to
the legend, I got 63.829s regardless of the date.

Any time you change Delta T, be sure to exit and re-enter Guide. If you're
doing this now, you should be getting a constant for the third formula,
don't know why you are not.


At 09:32 PM 10/29/04 -0000, you wrote:
>I don't think I am doing this correctly and need some help. I want
>to have 3 different formulas for DELTA_T available in my guide.dat
>file. The entry I currently have for DELTA_T from that file is:
>DELTA_T=#-10000,10000:63.829,88.51,25.77 # Larry Dart's
>DELTA_T=#-10000,10000:63.829,0.0,0.0 # Constant value
>I thought that the # commented out the line so that, in the above
>example, only the first formula would be used by Guide8. If I
>comment out the first two lines and uncomment the third, however, I
>don't get a constant value for DELTA_T like I would expect from the
>third formula.
>What is the correct way to set this up so that I can choose among
>alternative formulas by editing the comments in my guide.dat file?