Hi John,
Yes, I've fixed the eclipse problem, as described at
As I mentioned then, I wasn't quite ready to post the changes.
I have just done so. Download this file:
http://home.gwi.net/~pluto/guide8b.zip (about 482 KBytes)
and unZIP it in the Guide directory, and the following three
bugs of recent note will be fixed:
(1) Eclipses will work past 2114. I assume occultations of stars
and planets by the moon suffered similar problems; these are also
(2) Go To... Common Star will now work, without concern as to
what datasets are installed or which CD(s) are in the drive.
(3) The 'doubled number/name' problem mentioned by Larry Dart,
which occurred only if you had Tycho-2 data installed but no GSC
data installed, and were at a limiting mag of about 8.5 or fainter,
is fixed. Doubling should no longer occur, no matter what combo
of installed items or CD(s) you have.
-- Bill