Re: [guide-user] Star names/Legend/many things

Laren Dart Oct 25 2:35 PM

At 05:12 PM 10/20/04 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
> Larry, thanks for the pointer on the 'go to star' bug. Problem was,
>Guide would translate a given star name to its Hipparcos number, then
>look in the Hipparcos catalog for position/proper motion data for that
>star. A nice idea, but it only works if you've got the first CD in
>the drive, _or_ you've gone to Extras... Install to Hard Drive and
>selected the 'Star comments in More Info (121 MBytes)' option.


Thanks, Bill, did that and it works fine now.

> Denis, the idea of having a location name on the title bar seems
>reasonable to me. At present, the only use made of the title bar
>is either to tell you that you're running Guide 8.0, or to give you
>the "hint" text when you move the cursor over a toolbar button or
>legend item. I still like that idea, but there's no reason, in
>theory, that Guide couldn't show "Guide 8.0 -- Helsinki, Finland"
>instead of just "Guide 8.0". (But it'll wait until I post a bug
>fix update!)

Good idea! But if the title bar only gives the name of the location, it
could be confusing if the lat/long is modified in the legend. Perhaps it
could be phrased (I'm no programmer!) so that if the named location does
not match the lat/long listed for it in the database, the name drops out
and only the lat/long shows.

>-- Bill