Re: [guide-user] Doubled labels

LarryWood Oct 24 8:58 PM


When I reduce the field and have 'any' of the star lists in "star display" turned
"on" or on "auto" a double name or number will appear eventually. They go double
at different levels (w/FOV from 2 degrees down to a few arc-minutes).

I am using the Oct 2, 2004 version.

Larry Wood

Bill J Gray wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm still curious about the doubled labels you previously
> had that have now gone away. I'm usually happy to say that something
> is _not_ a bug in Guide, but I can't do so in this case; I see no
> way that I can blame this on Bill Gates, or a printer/video driver,
> or some such. Has anyone else spotted this behavior (text on stars
> appearing in duplicate)? Any comments on "it happens when I do this"?