Re: [guide-user] Star names

Kevin Cooper Oct 17 8:56 PM

Hi Larry,

The difference maybe that I have done the full install to hard drive.


Laren Dart wrote:

>Hi Kevin,
>I don't understand why this works on your computer, but not mine. I use
>Win98SE. As a test, I installed the original Guide8 CD1 on a friends Win95
>computer. (_Only_ temporarily for testing, Bill!) I then extracted the
>current update in the Guide8 directory. I now had the October 2 version,
>and took the minimum "install to hard drive" option. Results were the same
>on my friend's computer: Goto|Star|Common name... works with CD1 in the
>drive, does not work without CD1 in the drive.
>This the same procedure I used in 3 fresh installs earlier this week. I
>hoped it was just an install glitch, but apparently not.
>When working with historical eclipse observations, I like to keep a Rand
>McNally atlas in one CD drive and Encyclopedia Britannica in the other.
>Fortunately, I can use Goto|Object and type in the star's name. This is a
>nuisance, but better than constantly swapping CDs.
>At 02:44 PM 10/11/04 +1000, you wrote:
>>Must be your problem, works on mine.
>>Kevin Cooper
>>Laren Dart wrote:
>>>Goto|Star|Common Name... doesn't work without CD1 in the drive. My problem
>>>or a bug?
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