Denis Oct 17 5:34 PM
> Hi Bill,
> <<"defensive programming", and it occurs to me that putting the planet name
> in the legend when it is not Earth, and adding a "(Jul.)" or "(Greg.)" to the
> time shown in the legend when it's not the "right" one>>
> If you present planet name and calendar type into the legend only when it
> isn't the "right" one, your users will have to know your rule. If you always
> display them, there will never be any confusion. No one will need to know the
> convention you are following.
> The only remaining objection might be from someone who thinks the extra info
> clutters the legend. The best bet may be to display planet name and calendar
> by default, but provide options for display never, or when not "right".
> Options, of course, should apply separately to planet name and calendar type.