Re: [guide-user] Location in the Legend?

Laren Dart Oct 15 2:11 AM

Hi Arild,

I'll second that! I've never observed from the Sun, but have found my self
trying to observe eclipses in Anyang, China when Guide was still set for
Babylon! It would be nice if location was a Legend option right before or
after Lat/Long.

Best regards,


At 09:25 AM 10/15/04 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I received notice recently about a predicted asteroid occultation that should
>occur last night. Now, even though I had finder charts and all downloaded off
>the web, I wanted to check the azimut of the star at the time of the
>occultation, as my observing "window" from balcony is limited.
>I fired up Guide, and found the asteroid in question to be way off target.
>What's happening? After messing around a bit, I realized that I was indeed
>obserwing from the Sun.
>Now, is there a way to include the location name in the Legend? You may
>lat/lon data there, but that doesn't help much when the celestial body those
>coords apply to doesn't show.
>This also makes me think of another feature I'd like to see in Guide,
namely a
>better way to switch between locations. I guess many of us have a small
set of
>observing places, like home, dark site, holiday residence etc, observatory
>I know that this can be taken care of by saving marks, but a mark includes
>more. I'd like to set up Guide to show a phenomenon, and then have a
simple way
>to switch between sites to see the differences. Among other things.
>Best regards,
>Arild :)