Laren Dart Oct 15 2:11 AM
>Hi all,
>I received notice recently about a predicted asteroid occultation that should
>occur last night. Now, even though I had finder charts and all downloaded off
>the web, I wanted to check the azimut of the star at the time of the
>occultation, as my observing "window" from balcony is limited.
>I fired up Guide, and found the asteroid in question to be way off target.
>What's happening? After messing around a bit, I realized that I was indeeddisplay
>obserwing from the Sun.
>Now, is there a way to include the location name in the Legend? You may
>lat/lon data there, but that doesn't help much when the celestial body thosenamely a
>coords apply to doesn't show.
>This also makes me think of another feature I'd like to see in Guide,
>better way to switch between locations. I guess many of us have a smallset of
>observing places, like home, dark site, holiday residence etc, observatoryetc.
>I know that this can be taken care of by saving marks, but a mark includesmuch
>more. I'd like to set up Guide to show a phenomenon, and then have asimple way
>to switch between sites to see the differences. Among other things.
>Best regards,
>Arild :)