Controlling the scope through a Bluetooth serial port
Claudio Costa Sep 21, 2004
I recently purchased a Bluetooth device called Free2move (you can see
the details on their web page which can provide a
serial port through a Bluetooth connection. The purpose is to control
remotely my Gemini system on a Losmandy mount without having the need
to connect a serial cable to the PC. The PC itself has a bluetooth
serial link capability: I tried to access the remote serial port
through Guide (29 April 2004 version), but somehow the link is
terminated before the completion of the move: in other words, Guide
sends the command, the scope receives it, but then the Bluetooth link
is terminated on the PC side and Guide signals that there is no
connection anymore: this is confirmed by the serial link monitor
provided by the Free2move software. I tried also to use the link
by The Sky for Windows by Software Bisque and it works: the link
remains active until I decide to terminate it through
the user interface of the program. Do you have any idea about this
difference in behaviour between Guide and the Sky?
All the best,
Claudio Costa