Re: [guide-user] Machholz (1994r) trouble, fix

Michael Mattiazzo Sep 13, 2004

Hi Bill,

This is indeed the best way to "patch" up the cometg.dat file since it will
allow filter limits to apply.
There are at least 60 other comets with missing magnitude parameter values.
I'll look them up in literature and create a cometg.dat patch file for
interested Guide users.
This will take some time however.

Michael Mattiazzo

> Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 18:51:54 -0500
> From: Bill J Gray <pluto@...>
> Subject: Re: Machholz (1994r) trouble, fix
> Hi Bernd,
> It just occurred to me that there's another way to get Guide to
> recognize Machholz (1994r). That would be to download the file
> Then run Guide and click on Extras... Add MPC Comets/Asteroids,
> and click on the line at the bottom. This will bring up a file-selector
> dialog; select 'machholz.txt'.
> 'Machholz.txt' contains the same elements Guide already uses,
> except that I've added in some probably not-very-accurate magnitude
> data. Guide will use these new elements instead of the old ones,
> and 1994r will start to behave "normally".
> -- Bill