Re: [guide-user] Magnitudes of past comets

Michael Mattiazzo Sep 8, 2004

Hi Bernd

Here's how you do it.
Edit the cometg.dat file in your guide8/asteroid directory. (assuming you
have installed to hard drive)
Add the missing absolute magnitude of comet Machholz 1994 r (I'm unsure but
say 7 or 8) and slope parameter(usually 4)
Boot up Guide.
Turn comets ON.
GoTo comet - a rather big list appears but head down to comets of 1994 and
select Machholz 1994 r.
And there you have it.
However, filter limits do not apply as an additional file needs to be
edited. Bill?
A couple of years ago, I edited the cometg.dat to include magnitude
parameter information published in Gary Kronk's cometography Vol 1.
Bill, I'm happy to continue this for Vol II (III-IV still to be published)
but I need some time.

Michael Mattiazzo

> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:10:07 -0001
> From: Bernd Brinkmann <bernd.brinkmann@...>
> Subject: sorry for second post (magnitudes of past comets)
> Hello Bill
> sorry for my second post about magnitudes of past comets. Due to
> works at our power lines our mail server at the university was shut
> down for 5 days and obviously some mails were lost. I just checked
> the mails with the web browser and found your reply.
> Thanks for clarification. Is it possible to edit a file once (which one?)
> manually with the magnitude information? I update the Soft02Cmt.txt
> file regularly, but as you note this contains only the recent comets.
> Clear skies
> Bernd
> Bernd Brinkmann