Michael Mattiazzo Sep 8, 2004
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:10:07 -0001
> From: Bernd Brinkmann <bernd.brinkmann@...>
> Subject: sorry for second post (magnitudes of past comets)
> Hello Bill
> sorry for my second post about magnitudes of past comets. Due to
> works at our power lines our mail server at the university was shut
> down for 5 days and obviously some mails were lost. I just checked
> the mails with the web browser and found your reply.
> Thanks for clarification. Is it possible to edit a file once (which one?)
> manually with the magnitude information? I update the Soft02Cmt.txt
> file regularly, but as you note this contains only the recent comets.
> Clear skies
> Bernd
> Bernd Brinkmann