Re: [guide-user] Text definition files

Ben Hudgens Aug 30, 2004


I think this will work. With MS WORD, save the file as xxx.txt and then rename it to xxx.tdf. I have not tried that but believe it should work for you.

Ben Hudgens
Stephenville, TX
----- Original Message -----
From: bertrand Laville
To: Guide users list
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 1:43 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Text definition files

Hi All,
Can any one tell me how to create a new TDF list ?
When I say "create", I do not want to say "write" a TDF file. Thanks to the support of Bill, in Project Pluto website, I think I know what and how to write it. I have allready modify numerous existing TDF files to change the type, the labelling, etc...
No, my trubble is to create a new file "xxx.TDF". If I create a Word document, I can't give it the extension ".TDF", and I don't know an other way.
Any answer would be much appreciated.

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