Re: [guide-user] How to measure exact PA and distance between 2 objects

Laren Dart Aug 24, 2004

Hi Harald,

For 2 objects, #1 and #2, right click #1, click "ok", right click #2, click
"ok", then click "INSERT"

I just tried this with a pair of stars, and it worked. [G8 and Win98SE].
Hadn't used it for a long time, so I wasn't sure if I remembered it correctly!


At 01:01 AM 8/25/04 -0000, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>[Guide8, WinXP Pro]
>I'm trying to get the exact position angle and distance from 2
>objects, which where selected with the mouse (as described in help).
>Can anybody give me a little hint, please? :)
>Thank You!