Hi Arturo,
Thanks, thanks thanks,
All is perfect !
The wonderful, with the way you showed to me, is that you can open the detailed cities at a high level (i.e. level 9 or 10) for the country where the detailled cities are very numerous, as european or north american countries, and inferior level, for instance level 8, for less populated countries.
Thanks again.
----- Message d'origine -----
De : Arturo R Montesinos
À :
Envoyé : dimanche 15 août 2004 16:02
Objet : RE: [guide-user] New GEONAMES.DAT replacement file available with 60,000+ locations by population
> How can I display the two millions cities names at only level 9 and more,
> since it crowds the screen at level 8 (in my case, they appears at level
> 8 and more), and thanks your new geonames file, the small cites are
> "displayable" at inferior levels ?
I hope to have an EGEO_ERR.DAT file with the 2 million place names soon, but
until then here's a hack that you can try to achieve what you want:
* Open the GUIDE8/ECU.TDF file with any editor (NotePad is good enough) and
search and replace all instances of "field 0 10" with "field 0 5".
I THINK the "field" field means that the data should be shown when the field
of view is between 0 tenths of a degree and 10 tenths of a degree (that's
level 8: 1 degree). By changing it to "0 5" the names will only appear in
fields between 0 and 0.5 degrees wide (level 9: 0.5 degree).
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