Re: [guide-user] New GEONAMES.DAT replacement file available with 60,000+ locations by population

bertrand Laville Aug 14, 2004

Thanks very much, Arturo, for your fast and long reply.

You will find here after what I've done, and what I've seen
I hope these explanations will help you to understand my troubles. My level in software technology is by far to low to I have any idea of what happens :-)

----- Message d'origine -----
De : Arturo R Montesinos
À :
Envoyé : samedi 14 août 2004 16:34
Objet : RE: [guide-user] New GEONAMES.DAT replacement file available with 60,000+ locations by population

Maybe your Guide is reading the GUIDE8/GEO/ directory from the CD-ROM;
"No, the entire Guide (two CD and updates, and user added files) is on my hard drive, and I've not any CD inside my laptop when I run Guide. I run Guide in english language, and not in french."

maybe you are adding an "XGEO_ERR.TXT" file (FGEO_ERR.TXT for French, and so on),and those are the places you are seeing;
"no, I hav'nt any such file in my Geo subdirectory, neither FGEO_ERR.TXT, nor XGEO_ERR.TXT"

maybe you renamed the original GEONAMES.DAT to something that is also getting read;
"I have replaced the original GEONAMES.DAT by your GEONAMES.DAT. Thus, the original one no longer exists, and the new one has exactely the same name."

maybe you have the CITIES database from the second Guide CD included (look for an ECU.TDF, or ECU.FDF, file in the GUIDE8 directory).
"yes, I 've an ECU.TDF of 73 kb, and an ECU.IDF of 74 kb, both in my Guide directory"

One thing you can try is:

* Rename the GUIDE8/GEO directory to something like GUIDE8/XGEO and run
Guide. All the continent outlines and place names should disappear
(otherwise that is not the directory Guide is reading).
"I did that. When I ckicked on " : ", to go in geo mode, I saw on the screen the continents outlines, but as soon as I zoomed in one level, all desapeared, and the screen went blank as far as I zoomed."

* Create a GUIDE8/GEO/BAK (backup) subdirectory and move all the
GUIDE8/GEO/*.* files there, leaving only the GEO.DAT file (continent
outlines) and the new GEONAMES.DAT file in GUIDE8/GEO. Run Guide and see
what happens.
"I did that. All things stayed as usual, that is to say with outlines and cities as they were displayed before the replacement of your new GEONAMES.DAT, without anymore city names than before"

If Guide is using the GEONAMES.DAT replacement you should see all place
names in their local languages (e.g. "London", "Roma", "Sevilla", etc.
instead of "Londres", "Rome" or "Seville"), and pressing "+" and "-" you
should be able to adjust the map to show only the major cities (and no small
"It seems that Guide does'nt read GEONAME .DAT"

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