Hi, everyone!
Seems the list has been pretty slow lately...
In case anyone's interested, I just put together a GEONAMES.DAT replacement
file for Guide 8.0 with over 60,000 place names categorized by population.
You can find it at:
I tried to assign all the proper country codes (like in the original
GEONAMES.DAT), and the "level of importance" digit is based on the
population (2004 estimate) of each place, according to:
LOI Population
0 >= 4,000,000
1 >= 2,000,000
2 >= 1,000,000
3 >= 500,000
4 >= 250,000
5 >= 125,000
6 >= 62,500
7 >= 31,250
8 >= 15,625
9 < 15,625
The source data comes from a file available at
Enjoy your summer/winter!