Re: 16 Cygni

Lawrence Jul 26, 2004

Hello Bill

NB data sent privately to you.

Regarding the non-display of the 16 Cygni label: as reported, none of these
settings were wrong although no. 2 had no effect.



> (1) Text collision: perhaps some other piece of text in the
>area comes close enough to the star to persuade Guide not to
>show the text? (In this case, zooming in a bit ought to cause
>the text to drift apart, and you'll suddenly see them both.)
> (2) Under Display... Star Display, I assume you've turned
>"Flamsteed On"?
> (3) A rather annoying one that just occurred to me: I noticed
>that by default, Flamsteed numbers appear in white. If you set
>"chart mode", then the background is _also_ white.
> If none of those works, I'll revert to a standard suggestion
>I make: send me the file 'startup.mar' from your Guide folder,
>and I'll see if I can replicate the problem.