Re: The usual installation problem...

Mischa Schirmer Jul 4, 2004

Hi Bill,

> I've not heard of this 'must install under c:\' problem. By
> default, Guide has always installed to a non-root folder, either
> c:\guide or c:\guide(version number).

sorry, what i meant was that I observe that guide wants to be
installed under c:\guide, not c:\ .
When I change path, then it fails. It is likely that this was due to
the blank in the "program files" directory, as you pointed out. Thanks
a lot for this hint!

> because Wine destroyed my Windows partition, resulting in a need
> to reformat the drive and re-install Windows.

Ouf, this is really bad. I never heard of this before. Did it happen
while you played with find_orb, or was it something else?
I assume your windows partition was formatted as vfat, not ntfs?

Concerning the Guide Linux port: I remember reading that you consider
QT from TrollTech for making the GUI. That's a very good way to go. We
used to make GUIs for our applications with Python and Tk, which is a
pain. I was flabbergasted when I tried the QT3 designer environment a
few days ago, what a difference!

Keep the good work coming
