Re: RA and Dec Format in User Object Menu

toadatrix Jun 22, 2004


Where is the update posted on your site? Also, what has to be done
to update on my PC? Do I just copy the new .exe file on top of the
old one or what? Thanks.

--- In, Alan Cahill <neoprog@b...> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> I've just downloaded the latest Update, and the output from User
> Menu is still in hh:mm:ss even though I have RA and DEc in
decimal. i.e
> Sorry Bill, am I too quick in downloading the Update?
> Best Regards
> Alan
> In message <40D8448C.80809@p...>, Bill J Gray
> <pluto@p...> writes
> >Hi Alan,
> >
> > When I added user-definable RA/dec formats, I made revisions
in a
> >slew of places to ensure that the output was correct, but I
> >this one. I've just fixed it.
> >
> >-- Bill
> Alan Cahill
> Abbeydale Observatory,
> Gloucester U.K.
> MPC Code J94