Re: [guide-user] Multiple-object conjunctions?

Paul Schlyter Jun 13, 2004

Arild Moland wrote:
> Hi,
> > So why not let your Guide search for Mercury and Venus transits
> > between the years 10000 and 14000 AD, and then manually inspect these
> > lists to see if any of them happen concurrently?
> first, thanks to Paul for a thorough elaboration on this subject. Very
> informative indeed.
> And even though I could do as you suggest, ie. run through the Mercury and Venus
> transits separately and check manually, I'd rather have my computer do that :)
> That's what computers are for, after all.
> So my question remains, is Guide capable of doing searches for multi-object
> conjunctions? (My suspicion is that it is not.)

As Bill aid, Guide currently lacks that capability. Thus it remains to
produce transits for Mercury and for Venus, and then look for a match in the
two lists. Of course it's nicer to have the computer do that, thus one can
write a small utility which reads the two lists and outputs any matches
present there.

> As for what a Mercury/Venus transit would look like, another guy from Norway
> has made a faked simulation:

A nice simulation -- and not just a double transit but also Venus occulting
Mercury during transit - this would indeed be an extremely rare event! However
that simulation is unrealistic in one respect: it suggests the orbits of Mercury
and Venus are co-planar, while in reality they are inclined to one another by
some 4 degrees.

> Best regards,
> Arild :)
> ---------------------------------
> arildmi@...

Paul Schlyter, Grev Turegatan 40, SE-114 38 Stockholm, SWEDEN
e-mail: pausch at stockholm dot bostream dot se