Hi, Bill and all,
Due to an unfortunate mistake in a 1960 equation, lunar acceleration was
doubled in all calculations. The mistake is still with us, and is
seriously affecting delta T by causing the acceleration to be exactly twice
as high as it should be. By cutting the term in half, I was able to draw a
revised equation from delta T data.
This is not an algorithm, but a single equation which appears to work as
far back as 1876 B.C. Guide 8's default algorithm shows the 1876 B.C. and
1302 B.C. eclipses as partial at about 0.5 magnitude, whereas the revised
equation shows them both as annular. The revised equation is:
My paper, "The Difference Of Time, Delta T" is at
and includes a short table of test eclipses. I'd be interested in learning
of any which show as Total in Guide 8, but not with the revised equation.
There will be bugs, I'm sure!