Re: Show Shadow of ISS on the World Map

toadatrix Jun 7, 2004

Can this technique be used to predict other times (independent of the
Venus transit) when a selected satellite would appear to transit the
disc of the sun or the moon? If so, how would the calculations be
done using Guide?

--- In, Kevin Fetter <kfetter@y...> wrote:
> Guide doesn't do it by itself. I had found a method to compute the
data, and have guide show it,
> with some help from bill.
> Download this file
> Unzip the file into guide, and run guide. Get into the map view,
then hit shift F9. It brings up a
> screen called "select dataset to toggle". Look for " solar transit
path". Using the right click
> button of the mouse, click on the solar transit path. Turn on the
data, by clicking on where it
> says's "on". The data appears on the map.
> The lines are where the iss is predicted to cross near the centre
of the solar disc, at the same
> time venus is on the solar disc.
> Kevin
> =====
> COSPAR Site #1775 Long 75.6910 W, Lat 44.6062 N, altitude 100
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