Hello "toadatrix" (?)
Thank you for introduce the "Ast Dys" site. It provides great observation data !
I created convert program using Excel-VBA, and I put it on my site as:
Converted file much for dataset like MPC format.
When I try to use it by Find_Orb, the result was as below:
Orbital elements from Find_o32
Perihelion 2006 Dec 8.911817 TT
Epoch 2003 Oct 8.0 TT = JDT 2452920.5
M 183.78636 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.15218226 Peri. 308.70867 -0.52961904 -0.84798210
a 3.4745083 Node 173.17498 0.82231240 -0.51927747
e 0.0796771 Incl. 10.04953 0.20810089 -0.10619445
P 6.48 H 7.0 G 0.15 q 3.1976694
From 54 observations 1999 Oct. 8-2000 Mar. 5; RMS error 0.689 arcseconds
Keplerian elements at epoch 53200 (MJD) from "Ast Dys"
a (AU) 3.47871
eccentricity 0.079053
inclination 10.048
Asc. node 173.147
Arg. perih. 309.693
M (deg) 225.212
elements set from Guide8 build-in dataset
Epoch of elements JD 2453000.5 (2003 12 27 0:00)
Semimajor axis 3.4784187 AU
Eccentricity 0.0792006
Inclination of orbit 10.0470602 degrees
Argument of perihelion 309.6348146 degrees
Long. ascending node 173.1485731 degrees
Mean anomaly 194.9020582 degrees
But 2nd time and after, Find_Orb does not work file. I don't know why...
Everytime Find_Orb use 6-observations on top.
I need to confess that I don't know how to use Find_Orb software.
Please try it, and let me know how to use.
Masaki Kouda, Japan