Re: [guide-user] Aperture Circles in Guide 8 ....

Arild Moland May 27, 2004


> Can Guide8 compute the real FOV given my 'scope and eyepiece spec or
> must I do that myself? (Anyone know how please?)

you will have to know the FOV in order to tell Guide the size of the circle.
Computing it is easy, it is the eyepiece FOV divided by the eyepice
magnification FOV. Thus, if you have an eyepiece with an apparent FOV of 50
degrees (like a regular Plossl), which magnifies 50 times, you have a one degree

The computed FOV may not be accurate however, so to know your true FOV it is
better to time it. Look at a star near the celestial equator, and time how long
it takes for it to cross the field (with any motors on the scope turned off, of
course). Knowing that it moves 15 degrees per hour, you can calculate your FOV.

> Can the circle be somewhere other then the centre of my screen?

I don't think it can.

> Does the Aperture circle remain fixed on my screen or once created is
> it pinned to an RA/dec or Alt/Az?

It is fixed on the center of the screen.

> Can I have several identical circles on my screen at once (for example
> to plan a star hop)?

This would require them to be placed on different places on the map. If you add
more identical circles, they'll just stack on top of each other.

> modified using right-click/display. Does this include moving the item
> to a new position?

Nope, but you can access the display options through a right click.

Best regards,

Arild :)
