Re: User Horizon

David Higgins May 25, 2004

Thanks Bill

--- In, Bill J Gray <pluto@p...> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Just checked this, and was in agreement with you; setting
> USER_HORIZON=30 had no effect. Then I shut down the program and
> restarted, and the horizon _was_ "lifted" to 30 degrees.
> I then checked the source code, and sure enough, that's the
> way it works: changes to the horizon altitude do not take effect
> until the next time you start the program. I don't think it was
> ever thus; if it had been, I'd have mentioned it in the writeup
> on the Web site. Thanks for the catch; I'll revise the text on
> that page to mention that you won't see a change until you restart
> the program.
> -- Bill