Re: [guide-user] Setting the Time

Alan Cahill May 7, 2004

Hi Paul,

Thanks for that, but the time zone on the PC is GMT and the auto
adjustment isn't ticked.

Best Regards


In message <409BF156.B598D642@...>, Paul Schlyter
<pausch@...> writes
> Perhaps this is a Summer Time problem?  Right now, British time
> isn't UT but one
> hour ahead of UT.  And modern computers adjust themselves
> automatically between
> standard time and summer time at the dates when the change is
> supposed to occur.
> On what time zone is your computer clock running?  And do you have
> automatic
> adjustment to/from Summer Time enabled or disabled?

Alan Cahill
Abbeydale Observatory,
Gloucester U.K.
MPC Code J94