Re: [guide-user] _Another_ missing file (fixed) Apr 30, 2004


is the new MPC update function supposed to connect automatically
to the Internet and retrieve the requested information? If so,
what do I have to do to make it work? I've installed the latest
beta with the latest add_mpc.hee and tear2.exe. Choosing Add MPC etc
from the Extras menu brings up the new dialog with various choices.
But when clicking on "Click to download updated comet data and add
it to Guide" I am returned immediately to the main Guide sky and
nothing else happens. No download from Internet.
What is wrong with my setup?

73 de Goetz
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill J Gray" <pluto@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:05 PM
Subject: [guide-user] _Another_ missing file (fixed)

> Hi Dave,
> I was almost certain that this was a magnitude problem (not listing
> comets down to those as faint as Bradfield). But that would leave you
> with only two comets currently considered as "brighter" than Bradfield's
> 7.1. That didn't seem likely.
> There was another missing file. You can get it (about 40 KBytes) at
> And again, I've updated '' to include this, along with
> the previously missing 'add_mpc.hee' file.
> Thanks for the catch. I've usually posted these test updates, then
> notified a couple of people to try them out before announcing them on
> this list. I got a bit overconfident this time.
> -- Bill
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