Re: Where's C/2004 F4 (Bradfield)?

David Jessie Apr 29, 2004

I (David Jessie) wrote:
> Any idea why Comet Bradfield (C/2004 F4) isn't showing up in Guide
8? I just downloaded and installed today's beta release - Thanks,
Bill! - and tried out the new 'Add MPC...' from the 'Extras' menu.
Not a hint of Bradfield! OK, what am I doing incorrectly?

The above was true when I used the new 'Add MPC...' feature from the
just-released beta version. I tried several times with the same
result. I then did it the 'old fashioned' way by downloading the MPC
data from their web site and pointing to the Soft02Cmt.txt text
file. NOW Bradfield (C/2004 F4) shows up! Bill...there's a problem
in the new 'Add MPC...' function.
