Encoder Resoloution Reversal

R Shapp Apr 25, 2004

Hi Group,

Attempting to use Guide 8 with Micro-Guider 5 on a large permanently mounted
equatorial telescope. We find that up/down movement in altitude (declination)
of the telescope results in down/up movement of the crosshairs on the screen
display. We attempted to use a negative value for dec axis encoder
resolution, but it appears that Guide treats negative resolution as zero.
Movement of telescope up/down didn't move the crosshairs at all.

We were using the "JMI/MG III" setting for 'scope control. Can someone
confirm that this is the correct choice (MG-5 is not an available option)?

Assuming that we are using the correct 'scope control setting, does anyone
know how to reverse the sensing (in software) of the encoder movements?

Thanks for the help.

Ray Shapp