MFC Error on Add MPC Comets under Windows XP
Stephen Blazier Apr 4, 2004
I found some additional information on a problem similar to that
described in Message 2432 that may be useful if this problem has not
already been resolved.
I recently moved GUIDE to a new computer running Windows XP. When I
tried to Add MPC Comets from a file several subdirectories deep in
the My Documents folder I received a GUIDE6 MFC Application error. I
searched the Guide Users group for a solution. I found message 2432
with a similar description, but I did not see that a fix had been
After much experimentation I discovered that if I moved the file to
the My Documents folder it works. Placing the file in a subdirectory
with a short name under My Documents works as well, but a long
subdirectory name leads to the same problem. My suspicion is that
the path name is too long for the buffer allocated in Guide, and that
this problem is more apparent under Windows XP because the My
Documents path name is longer under XP than 98.