georgepothoff Mar 20, 2004
> Hi Guiders.Deimos).
> I was impressed that Oppotunity caught photo of
> transits of Martian satellites, Phobos and Deimos.
> I try to show them on the Guide.
> Set location on the "Mars", 2.06S, 6W, Oppotunity's position.
> Set Date on 4 Mar. for Deimos transit.
> Start animation. Then Deimos went closer and closer to tha Sun.
> But transit was not happen.
> As the same, set date on 7 MAr. for Phobos transit.
> Start animation, but transit was not happen.
> I know Bill wrote as " I was unable to find an accurate theory for some
> time"
> When I post about this on another ML, I learned new acculate theory is
> availablenow. These name is ESAPHO (for Phobos) and ESADE (for
> Bill, do you have plan to use these theory for Guide ?
> Masaki Kouda, Japan