Re: [guide-user] LONEOS dataset installation?

Bill J Gray Mar 18, 2004

Errrmmm... looks as if I have to make some corrections here.

First off, you don't actually need '' (which contains
'loneos.tdf' and 'loneos.idf') from the Web site. The reason is that
Guide 8 already has info for the LONEOS dataset ready to go. In fact,
it's got the LONEOS dataset on the second Guide disk; put that disk
in the CD-ROM drive, go to Extras... Toggle User Datasets, and you'll
see "Brian Skiff's photometry data" listed as a dataset, and can
turn it on/off.

However, that data on the second Guide disk is getting slightly
out of date. So you can grab that 'loneos.phot' file from the Lowell
ftp site, and put it in your Guide directory, and Guide will make
use of it instead of the older Guide CD-ROM version.

But you'll have to name it to 'loneos.pho' (no ending 't'). I'm
not quite sure why I did that... it could be that the file really _was_
'loneos.pho' back when the Guide 8 disks were put together.

-- Bill