Re: [guide-user] UCAC2 Data display

Bob Elliott Mar 11, 2004

At 10:32 2004-03-11 -0000,David wrote:
>I have Guide 8 displaying UCAC2 data but it is displayed with 3 tick
>marks per star. How do I turn off these tick marks?

Hi David.

You cant turn off those tic marks. That is what distinguishes the UCAC2
stars from any other star catalog that you have up on the screen. e.g..
USNO2.0 or Tycho. Since the UCAC2 is pretty much a small subset of the
USNO2.0 the display is just useful visually to see how many and in what
distribution those stars of better astrometric accuracy are included on
your CCD image. You can turn on the label for each star but if you don't
want the tick marks I'll bet you don't want the label either.

Clear skies,

Bob Elliott